Seven C's of Effective Communication&maihanweb

Seven C's of Effective Communication&maihanweb


we must apply certain communication principles . These principles  provide guidelines . regarding purpose , style . receiver . etc.  the ca;ed the " seven " C's", they are the clarity . conciseness completeness . consideration , correctness , courtesy . and concreteness . 


Clarity means communication the exact message on the first reading clarity makes the reader's hob easy . A clear message is easy to understand , Moreover , It saves time money and effort : A good style is first of all . clear . 

Use             Instead of

Start            Commence

End               Terminate

Clarity comes in the a message through these ways ;

1 . Use short , easy , and  the familiar words .

2 . Keep pronoun references clear .

3 . Avoid needless jargon.

4 . Avoid cliches ( old phrases )

5 . Avoid  using words that mace more than one meaning .


Conciseness  is the saying in the fewest possible words without sacrificing the other "C" qualities . A concise message  saves the time , money and effort of the both parties , Shakespeare . Said : / / / / / /  " Southey said : " If you want to be sharp . be brief . "

Use                 Instead of

About             With regard to 

5 P.M.             5 P.M. in the evening 

Experience       Past experience 

Conciseness  comes in the a message , through these ways .

1 . Include only relevant material ,

2 . Male negative positive 

3 . Avoid needless repetition 

4 . Delete needless prefaces .

5 . Eliminate wordy expressions .


Our communication is complete when it contains all facts the reader needs , completeness  offers many benefits Complete messages bring the desired results without the expense  of added messages , They can also build goodwill , Completeness comes in a message , they can also build goodwill  .

 Completeness comes in the  a message through these ways . 

1 . Provide all necessary information .

2 . Answer all questions asked .

3 . Give the something extra , when  the desirable .

4 . Check five W;s : What , When , Where , Why .


Consideration means preparing  a message with the receiver in mind , Try to put yourself in his place , The sender is aware of the receiver,s desires , problems , circumstances , emotions , and reactions , This is also called " you-attitude ." Consideration comes in a message through these ways , 

1 . Focus on " you " the instead of "I" and " We "

2 . Show benefit to the reader .

3 . Emphasize positive . pleasant facts .


Correctness is the greatest quality of  the a message Everything  in the letter should be the  correct. If a letter has other " C " qualities , but it is not correct , it is useless , The appearance , information , grammar , spellings , punctuation , and  the capitalization should be correct , 

Correctness comes in the  a message through these ways :

1 :- Use the right level of the  language , 

2 :- Check the accuracy of the facts , figures , and words ,


Where courtesy reigns , everyone gains , Courtesy shows politeness , love , and respect for the reader , Courtesy makes life pleasant , A letter written in a courteous way seems to be smiling , " Please " and "Thank you " are courteous words courtesy comes in a message through these ways . 

1 :- Be thoughtful and appreciative , 

2 :- Use the  expressions that show respect .


George M , Cohan said : " Do not tell them ___SHOW them ." Informative writing shows as  well as tells , Concreteness means choosing words that show definitely what you mean , Concrete and specific information is not only more informative . but also more convincing , we have to make the reader "see" himself .

Concreteness comes in the a message through these ways , 

1 . Choose vivid , image-building words .

2 . Provide solid figures ,

3 . Put action in your verbs 

4 . Use the  words that appeal to  the five senses , 

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